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Habitat for Humanity Volunteer Build Day July 2024
Thursday, July 11, 2024, 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM PDT
Category: Events

Where: South Seattle

When: July 11th

Starts: 8:45am - 4:30pm  Going to Local Brewery to relax and socialize after.

 Habitat needs to plan staffing levels and work flows so they need us to register in advance.  So do it now!

Registration required for all events CLICK HERE

Habitat for Humanity requires that we fill out their release of liability form before arriving on site - you will get their link to their digital release of liability when you click the registration button.
Todd Wilbur from Old Republic Title Company will be buying lunch!
Volunteer Day at Habitat for Humanity Build Site in South Seattle
No experience Needed
Give a helping hand and get to know some fellow REAPSters
Family and Friends are welcome over 15 years of age.

This SOUTH SEATTLE project will add much-needed affordable housing stock to this part of King County.

These units will be built to exceed Evergreen Sustainable Development Standards.

SOUTH SEATTLE Building Site:

Seattle, WA  - You will get address when you register

Construction Schedule: 

8:45 - 9:00 - Check-in, distribute Personal Protective Equipment

9:00 - 9:15 - Habitat introduction, safety orientation, and description of work assignments

9:15 - Noon - Work under the instruction of Habitat site staff

Noon - 12:45 - Lunch: REAPS will provide

12:45 to 3:45 - Work under the instruction of Habitat site staff

3:45 - 4:00 - Clean-up and sign out 

Suggested Items to Bring:

  • Work gloves
  • Water bottle 
  • Hard hat - If you have (they do provide)

What To Wear:

  • Sturdy shoes that are closed toed, preferably boots (hiking or work boots)
  • Long pants and shirts that cover shoulders.
  • Layers for all weather possibilities, Rain Jacket.
  • Hard hats and safety goggles are required and provided by Habitat on each site. 


There is street parking available in the surrounding neighborhood on the street. Please be mindful of our neighbors!


For the safety of everyone on site, anyone found wearing any of the following clothing items will not be allowed on the active build site until they are able to change. 

No open toed shoes       Pants below ankles required        No sleeveless shirts


  • Stay home if you are feeling sick or showing COVID related symptoms
  • We encourage volunteers to bring their own hard hats, work gloves, or other PPE - if you have
  • Additional PPE is provided on site if needed
  • Hand washing stations and hand sanitizer are available on site
  • Further details can be found watching our site safety video

To all our great Volunteers: Thanks for coming out to build and to help make homeownership a reality for families in need! We hope you have a great time, and we'll see you on site!